Chemistry Tutors Edinburgh
We tutor all levels of the curriculum including Nat 5, Higher, Advanced Higher, GCSE and A Level
Our tutors can help if:
- you need to achieve better grades
- you want to build confidence in the subject
- you need help with revision strategies and exam preparation
Studying chemistry involves covering areas such as organic chemistry, atomic structure and nuclear radiation.
Getting a good pass in chemistry requires sound knowledge of these areas but also awareness of their wider relevance and be able to carry out the various calculations which are part of the course. We will build on your knowledge in sessions by continually going over the facts and discussing them, but will also allocate time for going through lots of examples of the various calculations, either within sessions or possibly exercises to go between sessions.
What Our Customers Say
“Charlotte did really well in her exams and got a B for her Higher Chemistry. Thanks for all your help.” – Peter, Edinburgh